Description of Study
The ILC is an alternative high school graduation program with an innovative blended approach balancing online and onsite learning activities.
Brief Synopsis of Year One Findings
Factors Influencing Return to School
To make family proud
Availability of the flexible ILC schedule
An opportunity to go to college
Impact of Online Curriculum
Ninety-seven percent reported having a good experience with the online program : accessible, self-paced, and the ability to replay instruction
Rankings of ILC Components
The highest ranked among ten ILC components identified was the online curriculum
Graduation/Attrition Rate
Thirty-seven students (41%) graduated with full diplomas by the end of the first year of the study
Brief Synopsis of Year Two Findings
Obstacles to Prior Success - Most or All of the Time
Hanging out with friends - 63.8%
Going to Work - 41%
Having transportation - 39.7%
Family worries - 39.7%
Drinking alcohol - 22.9%
Drug use - 28.9%
Getting pregnant - 25.3%
Lookig after relative - 33.7%
Residential move - 31.1%
Juvenile court issues - 22.9%
Income worries - 39.7%
Perceptions on Graduation Prospects
The Independent Learning Center - A Three Year Evaluation